Title exempt Accountability driven

Posted by on Nov 19, 2012 in Leadership , Mindset

There is an old saying, “Too many chiefs and not enough Indians”  . . . .  It arrived at the Live Out Loud door, coughed, spluttered and fell down stone dead. We observed a moments silence for the death of this old adage and then got on with the business of running our company.

For this reason everybody is a chief at LIVEOUTLOUD. Each staff member is an expert in their field and the rest of the staff rally around that person offering suggestions and support. I am not the CEO when a truck needs to be unloaded – so I can help. I am not the CEO when the next magazine cover needs to be designed, – so I can suggest. I am not the CEO when the flow-through for our next event needs to be designed – so I can play devil’s advocate.

Title exempt Accountability driven

The absence of titles at LIVEOUTLOUD must not be confused with lack of accountability. Every person is accountable in their own area of expertise. Every person is accountable for the level of support offered to every other expert during times of pressure and crisis.

There are no places to hide in LIVEOUTLOUD. You are valued, you are respected, you are a leader and you take the accolades as well as the responsibility.

1 Comment

  1. Change and Chaos and Control »
    August 2, 2013

    […] disorder – We rejected disorder. We flattened our management structure and made everybody 100% accountable regardless of their position, portfolio or the immediate circumstances. Therefore there we times I […]


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