Doing the unexpected

As a serial entrepreneu r I love doing the unexpected. I ask myself what my opponents expect me to do – and then I do something else. By “opponents” I don’t always mean my competitors; sometimes my opponents are the prevailing conditions.

Some examples –

  • When the magazine market became tough I upgraded my luxury lifestyle magazine LIVEOUTLOUD and added 100 pages and a hardcover. We spent more on paper, UV-varnish and editorial. Our expenses per issue increased but so did our subscriptions. Our advertisers loved us because we switched to a quarterly publication and they therefore spent less with us than before.
  • When PlayOutLoud was a resounding success I scrapped the software as copycats sprang up. The developers started from the beginning – we changed the app and called it VaultLife. VaultLife International will launch 16 October 2014 leaving our competitors behind as we make a gigantic leap forward offering  VaultLife in multiple countries, in multiple cities, in multiple venues, in multiple currencies and with multiple membership levels. What also sets VaultLife apart is its ability to offer once in a lifetime experiences alongside luxury brands.

For this reason I love this TED Talk by Colin Robertson ,  a social energy entrepreneur.

He does the unexpected, catches his audience off guard, gets their attention and their engagement. This is my aim with VaultLife . VaultLife is something so new we call it viral gamification – a new interpretation of eCommerce where we . . .

  • make supply and demand redundant.
  • pursue engagement, not transaction.
  • disconnect wow from worth.
  • create new consumers for luxury products and once in a lifetime experiences.

VaultLife is a whole new app, unexpected and guaranteed to delight. Be part of the worldwide launch on 16 October 2014.

vaultlife - international launch 16 oct 2014